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Babbitt metal characteristics
作者:金永安 出处:http://www.alloy-centre.com

加入时间:2013-2-2 19:46:06 点击数:2370
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Babbitt bearing materials (including tin-based bearing alloy and lead-based bearing alloy) is the most widely known, has less guts tin-based lead-based bearing alloy. The named by Americans Babbitt invention, because it was white, also known as white metal, its application can be traced back to the era of the Industrial Revolution. Less guts the Xiji Ba's alloy and lead Chiba A's alloy is only suitable with respect to the axis rotation of the low hardness of the material, compared with the other bearing material, and has better adaptability and swaging, and widely used in large marine diesel engines, turbines, alternators, and other mining machinery and large rotating machinery.

The main alloy component is tin, lead, antimony, copper. Antimony, copper, in order to increase the strength and hardness. The babbitt organization, the hard phase particles uniformly distributed in the matrix of the soft phase and the soft phase matrix alloy has very good embedded with compliance and anti-bite, and after the run-in, soft matrix concave hard particles convex, so the small gap between the sliding surfaces, to become oil storage space and lubricants channel conducive antifriction; hard spots on the convex play supporting role, is conducive to carrying. Babbitt In addition to the manufacture of plain bearings, because of its soft texture, low intensity, often silk or pink spray made ​​of bearing steel matrix use. Babbitt sub-tin base (see tin alloy) and two lead-based alloys. The latter containing antimony 10% to 20% tin 5% to 15%, in order to prevent the composition segregation and grain refinement, often by adding a small amount of arsenic. The strength and hardness of the lead-based alloy than a tin-based alloy is low, the corrosion resistance is also poor.

The organization is characterized by hard phase particles uniformly distributed in the matrix of the soft phase and the soft phase matrix Babbit has a very good embedded with compliance and anti-bite, and after the run-in soft ground body concave, hard convex point, so a tiny gap between the sliding surfaces, to become oil storage space and lubricants channel, which will help antifriction; hard spots on the convex play supporting role, is conducive to carrying.

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